Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Governor Perry, Colonel Travis and Bick Benedict

Friday, April 10, 2009
Where's our Daniel Hannan?
A couple of weeks ago, Daniel Hannan M.E.P. (Member of European Parliament for southeast England) slammed P.M. Gordon Brown and the Labor Party 'goons' for tanking the British economy. Mr. Hannan's comments were enough to make any patriot cheer. But between the 'atta boys', and the 'Hip Hip Hoorays!' one can't help asking; Where is our Mr. Hannan?
Outside of talk radio and the 'new media' no one has had the courage to stand against the 'bailout' orgy that's enslaving our culture. Are there any politicians willing to be statesmen? Is there an individual willing to stand on the rights of 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of property' regardless of the next election? This week Alabama congressman Spencer Bachus stated that 17 of his colleagues are in fact socialists. Mr. Bachus stopped short of naming them. Now it's a fair bet that if you are still reading this that you could identify to whom the congressman was referring. If only he had shown a little more courage.
The answer is in the hearts and minds of the people. So turn off 'American Idol', and go join a tea party!