Driving around in any Texas town one is likely to see some small sedan with a st

Sen. Jeff Wentworth R-San Antonio, the author of the bill said the following referring to the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre; "I would feel personally guilty if I woke up some morning and something like this had occurred in Texas. They were picked off like sitting ducks ... in Virginia. It does happen very rarely, but when it does, it is catastrophic." Every time a bill is passed reinforcing a peoples commitment to the 2nd amendment the folks down in Austin have the same predictable response. The Austin American Statesman showed their arrogance; "Do we need more legally armed but not professionally trained people wielding concealed weapons in public places?" They leave out the fact that these students would already have to have a conceal and carry permit. The permit itself makes an individual a 'professional' in the area of hand gun responsibility. One can already envision the leftist mantra put to a chant:
"Tight jeans and eye-liner,
Make our boys pretty!
But don't turn our schools,
Into Dodge City!"
The Bill sits in the House and it's future is uncertain. If it makes it to the Governor's desk he will likely sign it. If the the bill passes and becomes law it will not only be a victory for advocates of the second amendment but also for all those who embrace the ability of the individual to govern himself.http://www.statesman.com/opinion/content/editorial/stories/05/23/0523guns_edit.html