Saturday, September 26, 2009

Live Free or Die

While the health care debate rages on into it's fifth month a challenge presents itself to those who claim to be conservative.
As a pro-life conservative I have become increasingly annoyed with christian conservatives who embrace the sanctity of life but are indifferent to all other issues. As if children have nothing better to do but exist. So once the children are born is it acceptable to subject them to a life of involuntary servitude to an all powerful state? If the 'health care takeover bill' did not include universal access to abortion (which it most certainly does), the bill would still be unacceptable.
I can hear 'God-fearing conservatives' discussing a candidate; "He's for redistribution of wealth, well I really don't mind much because those folks don't need that much money! Is he pro life?" A politician in favor of stealing from one individual and giving to another is not worth supporting regardless of where he stands on abortion. Taxation without representation is stealing and should be treated as a cultural issue just as preserving the life of the unborn.

Yes we should still fight passionately on behalf of the unborn but let us not forget that a life lived in slavery is hardly worth living. Here are some words from Patrick Henry;

"Is life so dear or peace so sweet to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."

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