For those of us that embrace liberty there has been little for which to be cheerful. When our friends and neighbors so willingly grovel at the feet of the 'nanny state' I can't help but wonder what's next for those who claim the birthright of freedom.
We've elected a new president who seems to be quite enamored with the notion that the state controls all things so well that perhaps they should try their hand at health care. In Congress The controlling party sees at as their prerogative to tell good American folks what talk radio shows are acceptable.
So how can we as conservatives win against the tide of environmental tyranny, greater access to abortion, and a foreign policy run by 'Amnesty International'? Speaking to the graduates of Christendom College in 2003, then Senator Rick Sentorum (R-Pennsylvania) said the following; "I want to challenge each and every one of you to be a radical, to be a rebel, to rebel against the popular culture. Your task will not be an easy one. You must overcome the temptation of silence." Mr. Sentorum went on to state that "God hasn't called us to be successful, He has called us to be faithful."
Can we expect to be successful rolling back a rising socialist tide? The answer is probably not. Someday however we will stand in the arena surrounded by a strangely familiar host. I hope to God that those words ring clear in my ears. "Well done good and faithful servant!"
Let the record show I was the first to vote on a poll of this historical blog.